Natural History at Harvard

Continuing on from last week's pretty gems and glass flowers from Harvard's Natural History Museum...

Whale skeletons

The wealth of their collection is really impressive — they have so many cases and objects to look at you not only risk bumping into a display case, but I'd also recommend taking a friend so you can point things out to that the other may have missed.

Looking down onto Great Mammal Hall

After the glass flowers exhibit you wind your way through evolution, learning about insects, reptiles, and discover some amazing fossils and skeletons on your way.

Currently, the museum has a lovely special exhibit by artist Lily Simonson that depicts sea creatures with literally glowing painting.

I was happy to see so many families and young learners enjoying the museum, trust me — nothing will make your museum experience better than hearing little voices exclaim over what they're seeing!


42 ft. long Kronosaurus

Blaschka glass sea squids

Then, you come to the more contemporary displays, where glass cases display animal specimens from all over the world.

Northeastern forest species

The museum also does a great job of providing some contextual displays, like the ecosystem of the Massachusetts Bay, or how what a rotting log can provide to a forest environ.


Then you come to the main event, Great Mammal Hall.

It's honestly too much to share all at once, and I definitely recommend stopping by if you're in Cambridge (Massachusetts residents can enjoy discounted admission certain weekends — learn more here).

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